My Birthday Weekend Was A Success!!!!!
On Friday I turned 23 and it was one of the best ones yet.
Lets get to it.
Of course it started off with a little trip to Starbucks where I actually got something new and ordered a salter caramel mocha which was amazing and headed to the nail salon to get a pedicure.
I then went home to pick up my babes and go on a little Target run. Leave it to me to wait till the last minute to go get an outfit to wear that night but I was eyeing
THIS 3.1 Phillip Lim for Target Dress but they didn't have it in my size. Boo. We still got some random stuff and we headed home to put miss fancy down for a nap.
Crown Could you just die of the cuteness of this Juicy Couture tracksuit!!! I'm pretty much obsessed and she will be wearing this at least once a week. I have an obsession with my JC tracksuits and wear them frequently so my life is pretty much complete with her owning her very own!! |
While boo bear napped Momma got to go on a little shopping trip to find a birthday outfit all by herself. I scored a dress for $19 a necklace for $13 and
THIS BCBG wristlet for $12. Winning!!!
The only picture I got the whole night. Fail. But I love my Layne!!!! xoxo |
After all that shopping it was time for my birthday dinner with some close friends at new super cool new restaurant in town. If you live in Omaha, you have to check out Salt 88. The had the best drinks! And at the end of dinner you get cotton candy!! I mean, how could you not love that!!
#carrideselfie ;) I love the way my lip color matches my new necklace. |
The cutest drinks at Salt 88 in mason jars. And the bloody mary that sunk my sober ship. holy!! |
First. my boyfriend really needs a class on iPhone photography because HE SUCKS!! All I wanted was a pic of me and my cute cotton candy, and this is what I got.. Second, it was grape flavored and delicious! |
We had a great night out after that! We went downtown to some fun bars and met up with more friends and drank way too much and somehow ended up in the tattoo shop setting up an appointment and giving them a down payment.. ughhh. Spontaneity at its best perhaps?? Whatever, it was fun, and momma had a ridiculous bad hangover the next day and I am so thankful that Nick took the next day off because he took care of Harper all day while I laid on the couch and couldn't move... ayy. Bad.
Terrible effing day of a hangover.... never. drinking. again.
I eventually felt better and I had a photo shoot that night so I had to put my big girl professional pants on and get the eff over it. I also had my highly anticipated tattoo appointment that night at 10 p.m. so we put Harper to bed and headed back downtown only to be turned away while filling out my info card because I'm still a nursing momma and they told me it was state law that I couldn't get it done... I'm not gonna lie, I was super disappointed but I will just have to wait until Harps has officially weaned which is in the process but I will have to write another post on that.
To add to the annoyance of driving 20 minutes downtown, we had a terrible night of sleeplessness for all of us, so we were miserable...
This babe fell on the driveway face first on Friday and got her first real boo boo, a bruised and scratched nose and forehead. :( |
We capped off the weekend with a little shopping trip. Pretty much our usual Sunday.
Laziness, shopping, eating, FUN. Love Sunday's. The only thing that would make it better is if Daddy was off but the next three weeks he is off all weekend long so were super excited!!
I'm already planning, pumpkin patch, apple orchard, shopping, fun, and more fun!
Our weekly shopping at our favorite place. |
I love bath time with her. She plays, I laugh, and fill with joy. :) |
Amazing cheese fries my parents brought home from dinner. They tasted like a BLT. yummmy. |
I hope you all had a great weekend!!!!!!
And thank you all so much for the birthday love on Facebook and IG. I appreciate every comment and wish so much!!!!! xoxoxoxo