I have been trying to post this since Monday... Harper has been SO clingy to me lately that I can't get anything done so I am so behind on posts and well LIFE... Clingy almost one year old post coming soon, maybe :/
Happy Memorial Day!!! :)
We really did have one of the best weekends in awhile. We were so busy and now exhausted but so worth all the memories. This summery weekend just made me crave warm weather, pools, and drinks more than ever...
One of my bestest girlfriends from high school got married and it was gorgeous! She was the most beautiful bride ever and her and her new hubby are really the most gorgeous sweetest couple ever! I am so happy for her!! Now she needs to start having babies so we can be mommies together ;) Harper went to the ceremony with me because Daddy was still at work but when he got off Harper went home to Gma & Gpa and we had ourselves a FAB time!! Like seriously, we needed some adult time so so bad! We (me) drank too much wine and champagne and it was amazing. I got to act like someone my own age which was also a great mini vacay from my mommy-hood. This might sound weird but I feel so rejuvenated after that night away from Harper because I am with her literally ALL DAY , EVERYDAY, no break times for us ever so I felt like a whole new person. Obvi, we missed her but even Nick admitted that we need more time for just ourselves and now that shes getting older I totally agree! I am getting way off the subject of our weekend but this was just a huge thing for us because we've never been away from her for more than a couple hours and we were out till like 2 a.m. oops. Who are we? Cool again? nope...
Sara & Zach. The beautiful couple :) |
My sweet girl was so good during the ceremony. And cute of course! |
One of my besties Paige and Harper! |
Shameless selfie... #ghostlywhite #ineedatan |
A little candid. We had so much fun! |
Daddy had to work so it was just Harps and I. It was weird outside, I was hungover not feeling well so we chilled all day and of course did a little shopping because Old Navy had a 50% off swimwear sale! Then when Nicholas got home we went on a mega grocery shopping trip (which I absolutely love, I have no idea why lol.)
Daddy had to work again all day so we were sad but we went to a birthday party for one of my very best friends who passed away last summer in a tubing accident. It was at her parents house with Kayla's closest friends and family celebrating her beautiful life. We had so much fun with all of our friends and Harper hung out with Kay's nephew Talan and of course got passed around and smothered with attention which she loves. (I'm in trouble.) Then we just went home and hung out and it was lovely.
Talan & Harper |
She loved this water table... Birthday list?!? |
The pools are finally open here so went to Lifetime Fitness with Gma and Daddy because they have a huge walk in pool which is perfect for a walking baby. Harp's is seriously a water baby!! She loves being in the water and is so fearless. She dips her head under water and crawls in until her head is almost under (while I'm having a slight heart attack) she is cray cray but I am so happy that she isn't afraid. We really need to get her into swimming lessons asap! She made baby friends and we ran into one of my friends with her daughter who is close in age so they played together but H is so crazy with her walking that she will not sit down for more than 2 minutes. I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE A WALKER!!!! She is so damn good at it too! So of course now that she is walking we had to order some
Freshly Picked Moccs which I am so pumped on especially because they were on sale! (Thanks Daddy!!) Anyways, H loves the pool and the sun and being outside which just makes me so excited for more pool days in our future!! We also had dinner at Chipotle and she slept the entire time which never happens because she always wakes up as soon as the car stops but she was exhausted and it was awesome!!! It felt so good to eat in peace ;) Oh and I think Harper took the tan away from me... I use to get super dark super easy and never burn. Well this chick today goes out, gets super tan while pasty me burns like tomato... uh what! Give me my tan back Harp's!!
pool bums. |
Yes, she needs a bow in the pool ;) |
Taking a break and eating cookies!! |
I hope everyone had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend!!! xoxo

Cute pics! I miss my tan too :'(. I'm getting one this summer!!!! I was pastey white girl all summer last year. Not having it this year!
ReplyDeleteShe is soooo cute. And I'm glad that you got a little baby-less time. You deserve it!!
ReplyDeleteLove your photos!! And I love grocery shopping too - haa!!