Thursday, May 2, 2013

Momma got a new camera, oh JOY.

Hello Beauties!
Yep, I missed beauty Wednesday... 
It is exhausting taking care of two babies and my baby fever has suddenly disappeared, which is probably a very good thing. hehe. I absolutely love being with my Harper girl all day long AND watching a new sweet baby. It is so awesome and I am so happy that I am able to do this right now!
But... I did get a very nice present from my Daddy this week... drum roll please....
A big girl camera!!!!! You don't even know how excited I am about this! OK you might now but I am over the moon. Ever since having Harper and doing my little mini photo shoots with my iPhone, I have been obsessed with photography. I  would study about DSLR's before I even had one so that when I got one I would know what I was doing. My Dad is really into electronics and always sends me the most amazing gifts. Laptops, my iPad mini, and now my newest baby, my Canon Rebel T3. I have been going picture crazy the last few days trying to get my settings perfect and just playing with it. Harper loves it though so it works out perfectly! ;) Look out for crazy amounts of photo shoots now!!!
I hope everyone has had a great week! TGTF (thank god tomorrow's Friday)!!
I feel like an official blogger now ;)
Mom, no more posing me with the dogs in tutus and bows... LOL. She loves it!
My fur baby Bella is so cute!
My most favorite model, Harper J.


  1. Aah congrats!!! Best gift ever!! :)

  2. Wow awesome gift! I bought my t3 last year and I love it!!! Photography is a perfect outlet for me and as a bonus I get to do my own photoshoots with Mya! Have fun and if you have any questions about your camera I'm more than happy to help! :)

  3. Yay!!! Can't wait to see more photo shoots of sweet Harper :)

  4. Hooray for big girl cameras!! I love my rebel as well! It's a passion that is slowly becoming more than just a hobby. If you need help or have any q's lemme know... You have my email :)

    Congrats again! Cannot wait to see more of that beauty!!

    1. Yay, that's so awesome!!! Can't wait to see all your photos lovely! xoxo

  5. LOVE your new layout! I'm working on my blog facelift right now too! :)

  6. Omgosh so exciting! Harper is sooo stinkin cute and so is your pup :)
