After this weekend I am still trying to catch up on sleep and sanity but it was worth it because it was so. much. fun!!
Friday, Harps had school to go to and I had work and a little play ;) I went out with one of my besties Sara and we had a super fun girls night. Like, super FUN! :0
Saturday, we went to a wedding and Harper was pretty much the funniest thing ever. First we were sitting next to the aisle and she was playing on the chair kind of and all of a sudden it tipped over onto the aisle during the ceremony. OMG everyone that saw was laughing so hard and I felt so bad but she was totally fine and got up and yelled, "whoops, I fell!" And then she was twirling away in her princess dress the whole time and everyone was just staring at her like... who's kid is this? Ha. She's freaking hilarious and thats why she's the best ;)
Yes, we wear this same ensemble to every wedding I know. LOL. |
Sunday, I planned on us doing absolutely nothing and that's exactly what we did! We literally layed on the couch in our jams all day just hung out together and it was perfect. I need those kind of days way more often. Oh. And she wore that Sofia gown for almost 72 hours... Yeah judge away but she would not take it off and she was clean so whatevs.
And today was so hot that the only thing we could do was play in water as much as possible. I'm totally going to miss these super hot days in a few months so we soaked up some rays and Harps turned her water table into a pool. Get it girl! ;)