Instead of a weekend recap, lets do a life recap!
I took a week off from blogging to be um, lazy! Yes, lazy. And it felt damn good. Actually, last week was pretty exhausting with Harps. She has been going through a weird phase of not sleeping good, really bad mood swings, and just acting crazy! It first started with her waking up about an hour after she would fall asleep and being almost in a daze where she wouldn't open her eyes but she would be hysterically crying and sobbing so hard she couldn't even take a breathe. This would last for at least 30 minutes every night and it was beyond frustrating and exhausting. Nick and I thought maybe it was night terrors and we had recently took away her daytime nap so she would fall asleep earlier, which did work, until these outbreaks. So we put the naps back in, (which she also cries and cries before she falls asleep), and it actually seems to help! We thought we had fixed the problem but now she won't go to bed until super late and she throws major fits before she falls asleep. Ugh. And to top it off, she has been extremely clingy, moody, and everything "bad" you hear about the "terrible twos." It is definitely just a snippet of the day but it has been BAAAD lately. Sooo... that is whats been up as of lately! Eek. And still our normal weekly activities of school and dance and family fun time but we have also tried to chill this month. I am really trying to savor this last month of 2014 before 2015 becomes the busiest year of our lives. We might be moving (finally) in the next few months, I have 8 weddings already booked for next year and just lots of changes for our family that I am very excited for. So as of now I am going to be a lazy lady and hangout with the people that mean the most to me! We can't wait for Tenley and her parents to be here next week and for SANTA! :)

Grainy, blurry before school perfection! |
All the necklaces!!!! |
Dance class, winter style! |
Our typical night. Mommy watches her shows and Harps watches her shows on the iPad! And lots of cuddles! One of my favorite parts of the day. |
She has been pretend playing so cute lately. I could listen to her all day long talk to her people and ponies. Yesterday she was taking a princess doll around to all the other toys and asking for money! hahah. oh lordy! |
We decorated for christmas finally yay! |
I really can't complain about the clingy-ness. Its pretty darn sweet; most of the time ;) |
Braving the cold! Actually, we really can't complain to much because it has only snowed once and it melted pretty much instantly and last week was in the 50's! Hallelujah! |
She's the boss! |
I totally feel like a complainer right now (sorry sorry) but I also had an annoying face disaster last week. I bought an acne face wash kit because I have like ugliest skin, wah. Anyways, it totally tore up my face and gave my really painful nasty dry patches by my lips so I had to go back to sephora and yell help! They are so awesome and gave me samples of a cleanser and I think a medicated moisturized and it totally got my face back to normal in like 5 days. That is why my lips are extra shiny trying to heal my face, ahh! #sohawt |
Her pony is killing me! |
While we were in Sephora trying to figure my face probz out, my mom was with us and let Harper go to town on some eyeshadow palettes. OMG it was the cutest thing ever. Her cheeks were almost black and she would not leave! We left with her kicking and screaming for makeup!! Oh BoY |
Lots of quality time at home is exactly what we are needing right now! |
We did have to go to target this morning because we had no food but she was so good and didn't have one meltdown! It's already a better week! |
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